ITI International Team for Implantology 0 5 0 0

ITI International Team for Implantology

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Who We Are

The International Team for Implantology (ITI) is a unique network that unites professionals around the world from every field of implant dentistry and related tissue regeneration. As an independent academic association, it actively promotes networking and exchange among its membership.

» Organization

The organizational structure of the ITI and its Board of Directors.

» ITI Association

The ITI is a worldwide Association of professionals in implant dentistry. The objectives of the ITI are the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about implant dentistry and related fields.

» ITI Foundation

The ITI is a non-profit organization of dedicated scientists and practitioners who champion the correct utilization of implant dentistry for the benefit of the patient.

» ITI Committees

The ITI conducts and supports projects in research, development and education through its Committees:

  • Research
  • Education
  • Scholarship
  • University Programs
  • Section & Membership
  • Study Club

» ITI Fellowship

ITI Fellows are actively involved with furthering the goals and principles of the ITI. They demonstrate a high level of activity in the areas of leadership, research, education or development.

» ITI Membership

ITI Membership is open to all professionals in implant dentistry who wish to participate in the ITI and abide by its principles.

» ITI Sections

The ITI has a constantly growing number of national Sections worldwide, where Fellows and Members come together to exchange knowledge and spread the ITI philosophy.

» ITI Headquarters

The ITI Headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, is a service and coordination office for the ITI, its Members, Fellows, Sections and its bodies.

» Our Partner

Two independent organizations – Straumann and ITI – form a close working relationship for the benefit of patients.

What We Offer

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